An interview with Ana Sanchez (green jobs programme) at the European stakeholder workshop of the GLAMURS project.
An interview with Vasco Cal (Economic Adviser in the Bureau of European Policy Advisers of the European Commission) at the European stakeholder workshop of the GLAMURS project.
An interview with Domenico Rossetti (EC-DG RTD, formerly GLAMURS Project Officer) about the value of social-reserach projects such as GLAMURS.
An interview with project coordinator Adina Dumitru about the relation between time and sustainability.
An interview with Domenico Rossetti (EC-DG RTD, formerly GLAMURS Project Officer) about the role of the European Commission in relation to sustainable lifestyles.
An interview with GLAMURS researcher Gary Polhill (The James Hutton Institute) about the challenges and opportunities of agent-based modelling in connection with sustainable lifestyles.
An interview with GLAMURS researcher Jaco Quist about the way GLAMURS methodology can help design a more sustainable Europe.
An interview with former project coordinator (now Spanish MP) Ricardo Garcia Mira about the general aims and approaches of GLAMURS.