Case Study Exchange

At the very core of GLAMURS and its research are seven case studies, which are scattered all across Europe. All of the case studies are considered to be pioneer initiatives in the field of sustainable development.

For this reason GLAMURS organised between June 17th and 20th 2015 GLAMURS Case Study Exchange Event (CSE), which was an opportunity for the initiatives to meet and greet in Timisoara, Romania. The expected outcomes are mutual learning and inspiration between the case studies, addressing research questions and strengthening the impact of the project by supporting case study stakeholders with their contributions towards transitioning to more sustainable lifestyles.

Overall the event and its results were far beyond our expectations and demonstrated a great example of transdisciplinary knowledge coproduction.

In following you will find some materials of the CSE event to download:


CSE Report (short version)


The German(-language) newspaper for Romania “ADZ” published an article about our meeting:
“Über nachhaltige Lebensstile und Green Economy”
“Erstes europäisches Treffen von Wissenschaftlern und Trägern von nachhaltigen Initiativen”