Report on the 1st Backcasting Workshop in Danube Bohemian Forest, Austria


On January 15th 2016, the 1stBackcasting Workshop in the Austrian GLAMURS Case Study took place in Lembach im Mühlkreis, Upper Austria. In this workshop, which was facilitated by Ines Omann and Wolfgang Mader, 20 participants (politicians, members of initiatives, citizens, leaders of initiatives, farmers) were asked to develop future visions of a sustainable region and […] >>

Interim Event of the Austrian Case Study

On the 5th of November 2015 the Austrian Case Study „Climate and Energy Model-region Danube-Bohemian Forest“ presented their first results at their interim event in Haslach, Austria. The title of this event was „Spotlight on Pioneers“ and invited sustainability-pioneers of the region to present their stories. „In an economic sense this investment didn’t really pay […] >>

Was kann Europas Politik von den Bio-Pionieren der Region Donau-Böhmerwald lernen?


In allen Regionen Europas haben sich BürgerInnen auf den Weg gemacht, nachhaltiger zu leben und zu arbeiten. In GLAMURS arbeiten UmweltpsychologInnen, SoziologInnen, ModelliererInnen, UmweltwissenschafterInnen und ÖkonomInnen zusammen, um von diesen PionierInnen der Nachhaltigkeit zu lernen, was getan werden kann, damit grüne Lebensstile und Wirtschaftsweisen in ganz Europa möglichst bald die Regel sind. Eine dieser Regionen […] >>